
At its core, Lost was a show about science and unexplained mysteries. The island was a source of power with regenerative qualities, a dimension separate from the one we know and live in. In the later seasons, the show delved into questions of faith and made the island appear like a sort of purgatory, ending in a scene in which all of the characters reunited in a church to find each other on their way into the afterlife. Lost should have remained a show about the science behind the other dimension into which the characters accidentally crossed. Here’s how it should have ended.

Kate gives birth to two twin babies on the island. Due to the island’s unexplained powers, one of the twins is Jack’s son, while the other is Sawyer’s. These two babies would inexplicably vanish to become Jacob and the “Man In Black”, each born with supernatural abilities that allowed them to travel through time and manipulate the powers of the island.

At the final scene, Jack realizes that the “Man in Black” is his son, and that Jacob is Sawyer’s son. At this point, the survivors realize that everything that occurred on the island was a loop created by them to begin with. When Desmond “uncorks” the island, time is reset to the survivors’ arrival on the island. Knowing that they won’t find a way off, the survivors make peace with never leaving the island.

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