Welcome back to the wild.
The rules are different here.
Destroy nothing and take only what you need.
Wild is where adventure happens.
Memories are made.
Families are strengthened.
Wild is where we become who we’re meant to be.
The wild belongs to no one.
But everyone belongs to the wild.
Though we may wander
The wild is always calling us home.
The Situation: We were asked to Position Wild Yonder, an outdoors clothing brand, as the best option when it comes to clothing for outdoor activities with either 18-24 year olds who value fashion, or 28-45 year olds who value quality.
With the arrival of the pandemic, people turned to outdoor activities for a reprieve. Activities like camping, fishing and hiking saw huge spikes, but when we looked at the amount of money consumers spent on these sectors, we noticed that there wasn't a significant growth. However, hunting was not only growing in popularity but was also bringing in revenue. After a closer look, there was a specific group that was growing faster than any other: Female hunters.
Target Audience: we proposed to focus specifically on moms in that same 28-45 age range who spend time outdoors. Why moms? They're the most coveted consumers in the U.S. market. Their buying power tops $2.4 trillion annually, and they control or influence 85% of all household purchases.
The Insight: After doing some interviews with hunters, some themes kept coming up as to why they enjoyed hunting. The reasons were hard to put into words, like “something about being in the woods” and “you sort of find who you really are when you’re in nature”.
The Strategy: Moms belong in the Wild: Wild Yonder now offers high quality hunting line for moms.
GET: Moms 28-45 who enjoy spending time outdoors
TO: Consider Wild Yonder as the best quality option for outdoor clothing
BY: Creating a collection for hunting; an outdoor activity that requires quality clothing.